Wednesday 1 January 2014

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year everyone!

The holidays are winding down and those of us who were travelling are finding our way home.   Early on Sunday afternoon, my family and I got back from our visit to the country.  Sapphire is back as well, and arrived home just a couple hours after us.  I think Radek is flying in on 6th January.    Beau got back yesterday, but I'll tell you more about that in a minute  

Hunter has vanished temporarily, but that's nothing new.  She's not a big fan of the holidays and always goes missing around this time of year.   She'll most likely turn up any day now, once she figures the celebrating is more or less over.

This isn't going to be a long post.  Basically, it's just to let everyone know that our holidays were great and to say that I hope everyone else's holidays were awesome too.  Oh...and of course I want to show you what I got from my parents for Christmas.

I have my own cell phone!  I was pretty excited when I unwrapped that box, let me tell you.  Dad said he wished he'd been a little quicker with his camera so that he could've captured the expression on my face when I realized what I had in my hands.   It's an iPhone, and I'm totally thrilled with it.  I'm even more thrilled by the fact that my parents are going to pay half the phone bill for me. 

Dad said that he and Mum decided I needed my own phone because of my kids and Sini.  He said that since I'm away from them so much while I'm at work and school, it's important for Sini to be able to reach me if she needs to.   i wasn't about to disagree with that. 

He also said he thought the phone would be useful for me if I were ever out alone and needed to call a cab to get home.  It'd be safer for me, he said, especially in the winter.  What he didn't say was, if you're out alone because your brother isn't with you, but that's what I heard anyway.   It seems that Mum and Dad have both been very worried about me since Michael moved out.   They knew Michael would always look out for me if we were together, but we're not together much these days, and I guess our parents don't like the idea of me roaming the city streets without my brother to keep an eye on me. 

But...back to presents. 

Pax and I gave Sini a dress, which she'll be able to wear this spring and summer.  It's yellow with pink flowers and pink lace trim.  Pax actually chose it, and we had a crazy time trying to hide it from her and make sure it would be a surprise.   She really likes it although I think she's a little disappointed that she can't wear it right now.   She complains to anyone who'll listen about the fact that she's forced to wear maternity clothes.  She says they're unattractive.   Personally, I disagree with that, but I realize there'd be no point in debating it with her.   At least she believes that I think she is attractive, maternity clothes notwithstanding. 

Pax got some new clothes too, including several pairs of socks and a couple of pairs of novelty boxers.   Most people would find the idea of getting socks and underwear for Christmas highly offensive, but Pax was delighted.   He went around telling everyone about his new underpants until it became totally embarrassing and we had to tell him to stop.   He got a lot of books and toys as well.   His mystery present from Sapphire was a new soccer ball, which came second only to his Spongebob Squarepants boxers in his affection. 

Here's a picture of Pax with some of his presents.  Dad took this one:

Skyla got quite a few toys as well, some of which we've decided to leave at Mum and Dad's place.  Mum and Dad have offered to have Skyla and Pax stay with them for a couple of weeks after the new baby comes, just so Sini and I can focus on the baby and settling into a bit of a routine with her (or him).  

Oh...and speaking of settling into new routines, I guess I should finally get back around to the subject of Beau.   Remember how I was telling you guys that Beau wanted his girlfriend to come and live with us?  He must've done a really good job of talking her into it, because when he arrived home yesterday he wasn't alone.    I'd been hearing about Georgia Lee Dixon just about every day since Beau moved in with us and I have to confess I'm really glad to meet her in person at last.   

Georgia is going to be staying with us for a couple of months.   Beau says she'll have to go back to the States after that for a while so she can get all her documents in order for a permanent move to Canada later in the year.    He's beside himself at the idea of him and Georgia being physically together again.  They've been carrying on a long-distance relationship for nearly a year, and I know it's been hard for him.   Beau struggles with reading and writing, and I've seen him work at composing an email to Georgia for nearly an hour before he's satisfied.   Of course they talked on the phone too, but it gets expensive to make frequent international calls.   I can only imagine what a relief it must be for Beau not to have to write to her any more, and not to have to wait for their twice-weekly call. 

This is Georgia.  Obviously this photo wasn't taken here.  I know because Beau says there's no snow in it.  Beau says it's a lot nicer in Atlanta in December than it in Charlottetown.

I'm sure there'll be a lot more to tell you about Georgia once we all get to know her better.   From our very short acquaintance, I get the impression that she's a friendly, outgoing person and that she loves to take care of people.   She's wildly overprotective of Beau, which he rather seems to enjoy.  Personally, I think it'd drive me crazy if Sini mothered me the way Georgia does to Beau, but that's the interesting thing about people and relationships, isn't it?  No two are exactly alike. 

Well, I think I'm going to end this post right here.   Rommie and Sapphire are cooking us a lovely ham dinner to celebrate the New Year, and I promised I'd help make dessert.  

Catch you later!

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