Tuesday 9 July 2013

What Shall We Name The Baby?

My dear sister-in-law Rommie has somehow gotten the impression that, since I'm spending a lot of time in bed and seem to have nothing better to do, I should help her compile a list of suitable baby names.  Apparently she's given up on the idea of naming the baby Sarah if it's a girl, which is a good thing in my opinion.   When I asked Rommie what she meant by 'suitable' names, she gave me her list of conditions.  A suitable name can't be the name of anyone famous (i.e. Sarah Brightman), it can't start with the letter B, it can't be the name of another family member, and it can't be a name I think Michael will hate.

Yeah...that pretty much shrinks the field. 

I've added a few entries to the list myself.  Although that might sound easy, it was really harder than I expected.  I had to pick something I thought Rommie and Michael would like, but not something that I might want to call my own son or daughter in the event that Sini and I have another child some day.   So far, my contributions are Emily and Sasha for girls, and Daniel and Max for boys. 

Rommie says she's open to suggestions from everybody, even you guys out there in internet land.

Everyone who comes into my room gets polled.   Nobody is allowed to leave before making a suggestion.  When anyone says that I'm becoming annoying, I just smile and blame Rommie.   If people complain to her, maybe we can conclude the making of this increasingly long list, and she and Michael can start narrowing it down.

I've added the condition that there will be no words for food or inanimate objects co-opted as baby names on this list, as a direct result of Cassie's suggestion of 'Vanilla' and Radek's suggestion of 'Diamond'.   It goes without saying that Pax has put forward some more of his bizarre ideas.   I'm seriously thinking of making a separate list just for the amusing things Pax comes up with.

The best - albeit most ironic - Pax name so far is 'Cash Flow'.  When I asked him how he came up with that one, he told me that he'd overheard Rommie and Michael arguing and, at one point, Michael had evidently said something like, "If you want my honest opinion, this baby is just going to add to the negative cash flow around here."   While I think Cash would actually be kind of a cute name for a boy, I don't think it'd be very good for any kid to go through life with the reminder that his father considered him part of the greater problem before he was even born.  'Cash' will be going onto the special Pax list, I think. 

And if, by the previous paragraph, you've judged there may be some trouble in Paradise, I wouldn't hesitate to say that you're right.   Remember how I said a while back that I thought the baby was unplanned and that it didn't seem to me as if Michael wants another kid?  The more I hear around here, the more I think that's true.   I'm waiting for an opportunity to talk to him about it.   It's not like him and Rommie to fight so often.  I mean, they've had their moments just like any couple, but they used to work things out sensibly.  Now, it seems all they do is argue about everything from the small stuff like what to have for dinner and whose turn it is to make their bed, to the big stuff like money and...well, kids.

I want Sini to come home.  She could talk sense into them.  I'm too concerned with being circumspect.   Sini, on the other hand, would probably just up and tell them to get their act together.   She'd tell Michael to grow up and stop being so selfish and she'd tell Rommie to stop acting like she's a victim of circumstance.    Blaming each other is stupid.  If they didn't wnat another child, they should've done something to prevent it in the first place.

I'd better stop before I work up to a really good rant.  

New topic?  Sure, I can do that.  In news unrelated to my broken arm, my misery over being separated from my soulmate, and the continuing saga of as-yet-unnamed Baby Brightman, I was informed this morning that Xander's boyfriend Remi is coming for a visit.  This should be interesting.  If you'd asked me a month ago whether I cared about Remington Garrett-Gray, I probably would've said no, or at least I would've said that I only cared enough to be pleased that Xander was happy.   I've heard so much about Remi lately, though, that now I'm genuinely interested to meet the guy.  Xander was kind of vague about Remi's exact date of arrival, but I got the impression that he'll be here within the next couple of weeks.

I'll keep you all updated, as always.

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