Tuesday 7 May 2013

Ego Trip

This past weekend, Sapphire and I went to Moncton.   I packed my bag by myself, even though Sini and Rommie both insisted I needed their help.  It's not like I've never packed to travel before, but I think they might've been a little anxious about my leaving on another adventure so soon after getting back from the USA.   Skyla wanted to help me pack, too.  She thought I should bring my bear, Louis Braille.   I don't usually take Louis out in public.   In fact, I don't usually admit to people outside the house that Louis even exists, but I guess the secret's out now.

I guess there are worse things for a guy to own than a teddy bear, right?

Sapphire and I had to travel on the bus to get to Moncton.   I like the bus.  You can meet a lot of interesting people.  Sapphire took some pictures of wind turbines on the wind farm we passed, but she said the photos didn't turn out all that well, as she shot them through the window of a speeding bus.   I had to ask her to explain what a 'wind farm' is.   She said it's a big field with a lot of turbines that produce energy to make electricity.     It sounds pretty cool to me.  I wish Sini could have been with us to see that.  I think she'd approve.

But, I'm kind of getting off track here, aren't I?    You're probably wondering why I decided to title this post "Ego Trip" and what that - or wind farms -  have to do with going to Moncton.   The wind farm actually has nothing to do with it.  I just thought it was interesting.   The title of this post, though, has everything to do with Moncton, at least for me. 

The purpose for going there was to attend a convention, and the whole thing was a real boost for my ego.   We met a lot of people there, and I lost count of the number of times I heard, "Oh, you're handsome!" or some equally pleasant variation.   By the end of the day,  I was practically overflowing with all the praise.   I'd never been admired by so many people all at once.  It felt awesome.    I don't think I'd like to be praised like that all the time, but once in a while, a big dose of adoration can be good.  It does amazing things for the self esteem.

Sapphire bought a present for everyone at home, and I helped pick it out.    It was too big for us to take on the bus, but the lady we got it from said that she'd send it to us.   It's a surprise for everybody at home, so I won't tell you what it is yet, just in case one of them reads this.  I'll show it to you when it arrives.

Afterwards, we got back on the bus for the two-hour ride to where Sapphire's brother lives.  We stayed at his house for the rest of the weekend (where I was admired some more by Sapphire's brother and sister-in-law).    Sapphire and her brother and sister-in-law stayed up for a while and talked, but I was really tired.  I crashed on the sofa bed in the den.

At Sapphire's brother's house, we had a barbecue, went to the park, and played a funny practical joke on Sapphire's sister-in-law.   I also found out what Sapphire's getting for her birthday.  I can't tell you, because that's a surprise, too.

On Monday morning, we headed for home.  Sapphire's sister-in-law drove us to the bus station, and we said goodbye.   I hope we can visit there again soon.

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