Wednesday 1 May 2013

Catching Up

Apparently, just as Michael and I were heading south, our household grew by two members.   We didn't meet them until we got back, of course, and it's only been a few days, so I don't know them very well yet.   I'll do my best to tell you about them, though.

The first one to arrive was Beau.  His real name is John Beaumont Ransom III, but he prefers to be called Beau.  He's from Georgia.  I think it's kind of ironic that just as Michael and I were leaving for the USA, our new roommate was arriving from there.

Anyway, I heard all about Beau's arrival from Dylan.  He said that he and Rommie had been out for a walk and were on their way back when they noticed somebody on a horse.    Dylan said the person wasn't so much riding the horse as they were simply being carried by it.   The person was all slumped over in the saddle and wrapped in a blanket, he said, and at first he and Rommie couldn't even tell if the person was a guy or a girl.  They managed to lead the horse into our yard, and when they helped the rider down from the saddle, that's when they realized the stranger was a guy.    Dylan said Beau was barely conscious at that point, and he couldn't even tell them his name when they asked.   They took him into the house, and Rommie decided that they should tuck him into bed and try to warm him up.

Since Michael and I were away, no one really knew what to do about Beau's horse.   We're the horse experts around here.   Sini sometimes comes with me and helps me do things at the stable where I board Guardian, so she knows a little bit about taking care of horses.  She was the one who ended up looking after Beau's horse until arrangements could be made the next day for boarding her.   

Beau's horse is called Rebel Yell.  I met her yesterday, and I like her a lot.   She's not as gentle or intuitive as Guardian, but she seems a lot more curious than him.    She must be used to getting lots of treats, because she wasn't shy about sniffing me all over and trying to get at the carrots in my pocket. 

Dylan said Beau was really sick for a while after he first got here, and spent about three days in bed.  I guess he'd been riding through all kinds of weather, so that's not really surprising.   When he finally felt up to talking, he told Rommie and Dylan a little bit about how he ended up here.   He was disowned by his very wealthy parents for reasons that he's apparently not ready to talk about, but which seem to have something to do with his girlfriend, Georgia Lee.    It seems they were running away, but they somehow got separated.  I guess that explains why Georgia Lee didn't arrive here with him. 

From what I can tell, Beau is really shy.  I think it's going to be hard to get to know him.   I'm really curious to know more of his story, but I've got the feeling that it's going to be a long time before he trusts any of us enough to share the details of his life. 

He says he and Rebel are going to stay for a while.    We'll do our best to make them feel at home.

Oh...I almost forgot about Sapphire's photo of Beau and Rebel Yell.   Here it is:

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