Sunday 19 May 2013

The Post Wherein Mister Brightman Doth Protest Too Much

Our surprise present that Sapphire bought in Moncton arrived this past Tuesday.  I would've told you guys about it sooner, but I haven't been feeling very well.  Sapphire's been pretty busy with work too, so she wouldn't have had time to help me with the pictures, even if I had felt up to getting on the computer.

There's nothing good about being sick, but I've been getting lots of cuddles from Skyla and Sini, and that's a definite silver lining.  Unfortunately, Pax wants to cuddle too, which is just plain weird.   I wish he could read my emotions as well as he can read Sini's and Skyla's, because then I wouldn't have to tell him that I'm totally not okay with that.

Anyway, on to showing off our present.   Rommie, our answer to June Cleaver, was pretty thrilled with it.   Everyone was pleased, really, and I was gratified that they all liked the gift I helped pick out for them.


Sapphire wanted to show our new table and chairs to her online friends and, of course, she insisted that someone should pose for a photo with it.  For some reason, she really seems to enjoy taking pictures of us.  Sometimes it's annoying.   Last Tuesday, it was extremely annoying because when she suggested this photo session, Rommie made me get out of bed for it (regardless of Sini's attempts to intervene, I might add).   To make matters worse, Xander was in on the photo session and made a major nuisance of himself.  

In the end, I think Sapphire must've felt sorry for me.  She let me have first choice of the ice cream bars she'd bought.  Then, Sini and I curled up on the couch while she watched some kind of foreign movie.  She offered to read the subtitles to me, but I wasn't into it.    I like documentaries, crime drama, and the occasional romantic comedy.   Foreign films, not so much.   Sini wrapped me in a blanket and I fell asleep more or less sprawled across her lap.   Yeah, I know what you're probably thinking.  You're completely spoiled, Brightman.    Hey, can I help it if the lady adores me?

By Friday I was feeling better, and I really wanted to go outside.   I wanted to go riding and I wanted to take Skyla out to play in the yard.    I didn't get to do any of that, though, because the weather has taken a turn for the worse.  It rained all day on Friday, and it was so cold yesterday that there were actually a few snow flurries.   Today, the sun is shining but Sini says it's still too chilly for Skyla and me to go out.   Welcome to life on Prince Edward Island!

Apparently it was okay for Rommie and Michael to go outside, though.   The last I heard from them this afternoon, they were whispering to each other and laughing as they headed out the back door.  

I'm sure by now you think I'm just going to spend this entire post whining and complaining, right?  Okay, I'll admit that's pretty much what I've been doing up to this point, but I actually do have a couple bits of good news.   The first one is that I'm going on another trip!  This time, Sapphire says we're going to stay in a really nice hotel.  I've stayed in a few motels before, but they're not very impressive.   This place will have internet access and room service, and maybe a mint on the pillow.   Sapphire is travelling for work and she'll be in boring meetings all day long, but I'm sure we'll have fun afterwards.   I've been hinting that it'd be nice if Sini and Skyla could come with us too, but so far, I don't think Sapphire has gotten the message.  I might have to be more direct.  

My second bit of news is something I'm pretty sure I'm not even supposed to know, much less share with the entire internet, but I'm a little too excited about this to keep it a secret.   I think Rommie and Michael might be expecting again!   I'm not one hundred percent certain of it, but I did happen to overhear them talking about making room for a new family member.  I don't think Sapphire has invited anyone to come and live with us, so unless we have another unexpected arrival like Beau and Pax, I don't know who else they could've meant but a new baby.   Rommie has been acting kind of strange lately, too.   Usually she's up before the rest of us, but ever since Michael and I came back from our trip down south, I've noticed that she stays in bed most mornings and lets Sini or Dylan fix breakfast for us.   I want to ask Michael what's going on, but if I say anything, then he'll know that I know, and that could turn out to be awkward.   

I promise, I'll keep you guys in the loop. 

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